HMSC chap2


Modeling Components

  • Study of Load model,Component model
  • Useful in
    • assessing the change in component response when components are damaged
    • predicting the response of component to loads
  • Models : Raw data -> information of health of component
  • Two kinds
    • Physical law(Physics based)
    • Measurement data(Data-driven)
  • Inertia, damping,, stiffness are included in these dynamic models
  • Nonlinear damping and stiffness restoring forces are common
  • Free vibration response : sum of the modes of vibration
  • mode of vibration : natural frequency + mode shape
  • Impulsive(transient) type of exitation excite the free vibration response
  • Damage nearly always behave in a nonlinear manner
  • Matlab can be used to analyze dynamic response and Simulink can be used to simulate dynamic response of onlinear system.2

    Vibration Model

  • describe the dynamic response of structural components to dynamic loads
  • Resonant frequencies,, mode shapes = Free response
    • Free response whanges with damage

      Lumped parameter/Continuous model

  • model Vibration and wave propagation
  • Vibration : standing wave pattern setup by interference between propagating waves
    • Lumped parameter model
      • ordinary differential equation
    • Continuous model
      • partial differential equation

Frequency response functions(FRFs)

  • Ratio between the response exitation as a function of frequency
  • Describe relative amplitude and phrase of the dynamic response with respect to excitation forcing amplitude and phase
  • can combined with impedance model for different configurations to describe dynamic response of the combined system

Wave equation

  • Describes the propagation of elastic waves
  • Used to identify damage due to change in speed of propagation
  • Separation of variablesmethod decomposes the solution of the wave equation into temporal and spatial pieces
  • speed of sound is function of modulus and density
    • Equal to the product of frequency in Hz and wavelength
  • Wave number is the ratio of requency to speed of sound
    • Represents of spatial frequency
  • Group velocity can be get by differentiating the frequency with respect to wave number
    • Describes the speed of a group of waves in a certain frequency bandwith
  • Smaller defect detection : Wavelength is small, frequency is high
    • Smaller wavelengths also results in more relfections from rough surfaces and boundaries
  • Dispersion : occurs when the propagation energy of a wave front decreases due to motions in other directions
    • Causes the wave front to change shape. Because higher frequencies travel faster than low frequencies
    • Makes it more difficult to identify damage.

Finite elemnt models(FEMs)

  • Used to model structure components with discontinuous mass, damping and stiffness properties due to damage or variations in the healthy structural component and geometrical parameters.

Direct parameter models

  • Used to estimate mass, damping ,and stiffness parameters from the measured exitation and response data
  • Estimated using least squares solution techniques

    Restoring force models

  • Relate the internal forces within a component due to stiffness and damping to mass $\times$ acceleration of the components
  • Acceleration is used to construct models, Restoring force projections are obtainedㅁㄴㅇㄻㄴㅇㄻㄴㅇㄻㄴㅇㄹ
  • Phase-plane trajectories relating the velocity to the displacement response of a components are also useful model for health monitoring

Discrete time models(difference equation models)

  • Model can be estimated from the measurement data
  • Advantageous for all response variables are not needed to estimated the parameters.

    Experimental frequency response models(embedded sensitivity functions

  • Can be utilized to estimated the change in frequency response function with changes to the mass, damping or stiffness parameters without requiring the starting values of these parameters
  • Change in the parameters can be estimated

    Virtual force models

  • Describe the damged components as a sum of the healthy structural components and forces applied locally to represent the damage.

    Experimental modal vibration models

  • can be developed from measured data using various modal parameter estimation methods

    Load models

  • Different mechanical exitations : exercise component and damage differently
    • Impulses
    • Narrow band cyclic
    • Broadband random
  • Load due to other environmental factors : also important to consider in health monitoring
    • Acoustic pressure
    • Temperature



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